If you think you are ready to chart your course and set sail you might as well know your personal goal. Setting it would be your first move. For whatever maybe your abilities and talents but with no goal or aim all of these will just be in vain.

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Personal goals serve as a standard which you are earnestly striving to reach. Without it, you cannot expect to attain into great heights what you ought to become. Without it to guide you, you will not be able to use all the resources within your reach, like your inherent abilities and talents. Without it, you are doomed to fail; the one thing that anyone of us will not dream about.

Personal goals can be long or short range. Your long range goal should be the end result that you are shooting for in this life. Whatever it takes to reach your long range goal, just break the journey into short segments and let these segments be your short range goals. It is thus, very important that you know what you want for in this life in order to set your personal goals.

Personal goal setting also entails a plan. For working without a plan is like going to sea without a compass. Making a plan gives you a clear idea of what are the things you want to achieve, how and when. By strictly sticking to it, it materializes your chart in achieving your personal goal.

Having set your personal goal, you are now ready to set sail. And by having with you your plan, you have now your compass that will definitely tell you where to go. By having these, charting your course towards achieving your goals will become easy. Knowing what you really want in life definitely brings you closer to success.

Click Here to Learn How to Set Goals Effectively

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